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Disappointing Sunday Lunch in Portmeirion Hotel?

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MessagePosté le: 18 Sep 2017 13:05    Sujet du message: Disappointing Sunday Lunch in Portmeirion Hotel? Répondre en citant

I went for family meal recently - Sunday Lunch, with my family to celebrate a birthday and was bitterly disappointed. We have been to Portmeirion Hotel on several occasions and enjoyed the food, service and wonderful view from the dining room. However, we were very let down by the dreadfully poor service ( had to wait 1 1/4 for our table after being advised to be there on time).
We had ordered wine but we had to ask for the wine to be brought to the table. Food was average, nothing special. I have always had a soft spot for this place - even got married here but truly on this occasion Portmeirion did not shine. We won't be going back there in a rush and I think Portmeirion needs to seriously consider all their customers.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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